Monday, March 22, 2010

Viking Notes

Vikings referred to as Norsemen
Norse mythology
Elder edda
Poet edda
Younger edda
Pros edda
Edda's tell us about cosmology of Norse thinking
9 worlds
We live on midgard
North of us alfheimer
South of us Scaralfaheim
Black elfs
East of us
Muspellheim- world of fire
Jotunheimr- world of giants
West of us niflheim
World of ice
Up is asgard- where the gods are
Down is Hel- netherworld
Across is ginnungagap
Far away, farthest away across ocean
Books of sagas
Legends about the kings
Written by snorri sturluson
Aren't written until after Vikings are gone of Christianized
Started with the Ynglings
Runes are used before making decisions
Vikings get Christianized
Ragnarok is the great battle that is going to happen at the end of the world
Vikings had no fear of death because they believed in after life
Leaf ericson
188 norway

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