Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egypt Notes

Paleolithic Cultures
Neolithic Cultures
Egypt is split into two parts:
Nile River splits in in two
Northern Part of Egypt was considered lower Egypt because of the way the Nile flowed

Narmer Pallette :
Wears crown like thing to show unity
Old Kingdom:
First of the dynasty begins
A sucession of kings and rulers by birthright
You know your looking at a real Egyptian statue because there will not be a gap between their legs
Great pyramids at Giza
Pryamids of ________,_____________,_________
Covered with limestone
Did slaves build pryamids?
Hired workers did it not slaves
Mortuary cities-pyramid cities
Ami book focuses on death
Death is very important in Egyptian culture
People who worked on pyramids were part of concscription

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