Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Deadly Disease Short Story

Once upon a time  in 1732 in a place called Weeble Land  there was a deadly disease. No one knew what this disease was or how it came to be. But people started to turn green and brown. It starts with one body part and continues  until your body is a completely different color. Chunks of hair would fall off of their bodies until there was no hair left. It hit people at different times and in large groups. So you would see multiple people walking down the street with no hair and green bodies. No doctor or scientist could figure out how or why this was happening and it really started to scare the region.  This started happening to everyone and after they lost their hair, leaves and grass started to grow out of their follicles.  They continued their life as they would any normal day and acted like nothing happened. They didn’t feel bad but they looked bad and went through weird transformation. Although it took a long time eventually the whole population turned into trees and bushes! They would keep their feet and would be able to walk for about a 2 week period. Then they would be stuck in the spot once they lost their legs. This is the end of the transformation and they are now fully trees. Weeble Land lost its whole population and is now what you know as the Amazon Rainforest.

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