Thursday, June 10, 2010

Exam 3

What was the significance of the Black Death and the 100 Years' War to the development of Europe as we know it today?

Thesis: The significance of the Black Death and the 100 Years' War to the development of Europe as we know it today was it decreased the amount of population in Europe.

Primary Source 1:
"This is one reason why the Black Death marks a dividing line between the central Middle Ages, with medieval culture in full bloom and at its greatest strength, and the later Middle Ages. The later period was one of chronically reduced population. "

Primary Source 2:
"On average, between 30-45% of the general populace died in the Black Death of 1348-50."

Primary Source 3:

"During the epidemic the people who needed and bought many types of goods and services died,…."

The Black Death killed much of the Europe population and they have had a hard struggle to come back from the great loss. Their death rate increased a lot. Also their economy fell due to Black Death.

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