Friday, March 5, 2010

Twelve Tables

The Romans did not treat woman or children nicely, and looked downed upon them. In table 4 they said "a deadfully deformed child shall be killed." this is showing they do not have much sympathy or care to help the children.  They also say that women shall remain in guardianship even when they have attained their majority. That means that they can not be independent and live on their own that someone has to always be looking out for them treating them like children. It is said that they cannot cry at funerals or show emotion.  Last when a man and woman get married the men treats the woman like his daughter. This meaning they will look at for them and treat them like a child. Woman were not given much freedom and were always being looked out for. 

"THE TWELVE TABLES." California State University, Northridge. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. .

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