Thursday, June 10, 2010

Exam 4

Question: Do you think Alexander honestly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs? Or was that just propaganda to mask his goal of conquest?

Thesis: Alexander honestly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs.

Primary Source 1:
"The Battle of Issus. Darius's mother, wife and children taken captive by Alexander, as well as the immense state treasure of Persia."

Primary Source 2:
"the Macedonian king who defeated his Persian colleague Darius III Codomannus and conquered the Achaemenid Empire. During his campaigns"

Primary Source 3:
"When he arrived in Egypt, Alexander faced no resistance. The Egyptians were glad to be rid of the Persians, who forced Persian gods and customs upon them, and to welcome the Greeks, who liberated them and restored their liberties -- provided, of course, that they become allies of Alexander. "

Alexander honestly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs because he was happy to have destroyed the Persians. He was proud of himself and many other people were proud of him.

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